One of the biggest opportunities for improved results is without a doubt split testing. Most people know what split testing is. However, hardly any businesses use split testing to improve results.

For those who are not quite sure what split testing is, let me explain further. Let’s say you wanted to produce an email and so you wrote the email and sent it out to your list of 5,000 contacts.

A few days later you noticed that out of the 5,000 emails that were sent, 1,000 were opened, and 100 people clicked through to your webpage, to either buy something or to find out more.

So, here’s how the split test works:

Instead of just sending out the 5,000 emails and hoping that you’ve got the messaging right, the headline correct, the bullets in the right order and the call to action as good as it could be, you do a split test. You send 2,500 emails out with one headline and then 2,500 emails out with a different headline in order to test which headline could work best. However, it doesn’t end there. You could also test different text, different pictures, different calls to action, different pricing, different testimonials, different videos etc, etc.

The point being by testing different things you often get different results.

I once split tested a headline in an advertisement for a client and made them £5,000,000. To learn what I did click here to download our “don’t take our word for it” report.

Now don’t get me wrong. Split testing is not just about email marketing. You can split-test:

  • Headlines
  • Sub-headlines
  • Text
  • Pictures
  • Videos
  • CTA’s (calls to action)
  • Use of colour
  • Addition of testimonials

And you can do this on your:

  • Website pages
  • Landing pages
  • Email marketing
  • Sales scripts
  • Sales letters
  • Scripts for your one minute talk at networking events
  • Advertising on Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads and any other advertising online and offline
  • Videos

Split testing can often increase leads, meetings, sales and bottom-line profit. Sometimes split testing can gain you a 5%, 10%, or 20% increase and other times that increase can be 100%, 200% or even a 500% increase.

We recently helped one of our clients to create a monthly turnover of over £400,000 by split testing. We did this for him by split testing his advertising and landing pages using his Google Adwords and FaceBook Advertising.

For further details on how to do a split test or split testing in general take a look at this video.

Need help increasing sales by split testing? Get in touch with us, or set up a meeting at –