Small business advice can be very varied. You get financial advice from your accountant to ensure you are managing your finances correctly, well-meaningful small business advice from friends or family, and advice from consultants, who have worked in large businesses all their lives, got sick of the ‘rat race’ and decided that they are an expert in small businesses.
The truth is that getting to £100,000 in 12 months is not easy, but the method in doing so is easy. You’ve got to really focus on sales and marketing. You’ve also got to take massive action, not only doing the sales and marketing but also becoming better at it.
In this interview on Business Connections Live TV, Steve explains why so many people fail in business (over 80% go bust within 5 years).
Steve gives real-life examples of the actions people have taken in his 25 years of experience and explains how he has helped small businesses improve their sales and marketing results.
Want More Small Business Advice? Take Action with Steve!
- Sign up for Steve’s foundational programme – The Inner Circle. At the moment, you can try it out for $1. See the top of this page for more details.
- Want to book a 1-2-1 meeting with Steve to discuss how he can help improve your sales and marketing results? Click on the gold button on our home page at steve-mills.com.
- Connect to Steve on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/marketingadvice/
- Subscribe to Steve’s YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6U1XU5YuFRk8TECjWBLUNA?view_as=subscriber